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Fun Facts About Eye Care

Did you know that your eyes are not responsible for what you see? They are nothing more than a channel for messages transmitted to the brain through the optic nerve. At Family Eye Clinic in Little Rock, North Little Rock, and Sherwood, we provide quality eye care for our patients. We have gathered eight fun facts about eyecare that you probably didn't know:

1. Using a computer screen is associated with headaches, eye strain, and fatigue, but it is not harmful to your eyes. However, it is important for people who spend extended periods in front of computer screens to wear something protective, such as blue-light-blocking lenses.

2. No matter how much you squint to prevent ultraviolet light from reaching your eyes, it still does, causing damage to the lens, cornea, and retina.

3. For good vision, you need excellent fitting eyeglasses. However, having a poor fit does not harm your eyes.

4. If you swim or use a hot tub while wearing contact lenses, you are at risk of developing eye infections.

5. It is impossible to transplant the eye since it is connected to the brain through the optic nerve. The cornea is the only part of the eye that eye specialists can transplant.

6. An optician simply fits, adjusts, and supplies contact lenses and glasses. However, they cannot examine or prescribe medication for your eyes, unlike an optometrist.

7. It is essential to have regular eye checkups to look for asymptomatic but treatable diseases. You do not have to wait until your 40s to see an eye doctor regularly.

8. Improper fitting of contact lenses can cause damage to your cornea. Talk to your optometrist about the basics of eye care, especially if you wear contact lenses or glasses.

Schedule an Eye Exam at Family Eye Clinic

Your eyes are critical to your daily life, and your need to take exceptional care of them. We provide a wide range of optometry services at Family Eye Clinic in Little Rock, North Little Rock, and Sherwood, AR. Call our team today or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.