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Optomap Retinal Exam in Arkansas

When you go in for an eye exam, you might think optometry specialists can only view issues directly related to your eye. On the contrary, advanced eye exams give you and your optometrist the opportunity to view possible health conditions before you begin even showing signs and symptoms.

These advanced exams are known as optomap retinal exams, and they can be life-saving and improve your overall health. At Family Eye Clinic, our dedicated eye care staff at our Little Rock, North Little Rock, and Sherwood locations can provide optomap retinal exams to help you know the complete status of your health.

What Is an Optomap Retinal Exam?

An optomap retinal exam is a non-invasive, painless, and quick procedure that provides real-time images of your eye. Your eye holds tiny blood vessels within it that can show early signs of diseases, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Certain cancers

During an optomap retinal exam, you will look directly into low-intensity scanning lasers that take a wide-angle picture of the inside of your eye. These lasers can capture images of over 80% of your retina, whereas other traditional exams only capture around 15% of your retina.

Benefits of Optomap

The earlier you detect signs of adverse diseases, the sooner you can begin treatment and inform your healthcare provider. These diseases can lead to poor vision and blindness and affect your overall health and lead to a lowered quality of life.

Fortunately, optomap retinal exams are painless and can be done in seconds. After you look through the keyhole of the optomap scanning lasers, your eye doctor will get images of your eye immediately.

During the exam, you might not even need to have your pupils dilated, meaning this exam can be done on the whole family. However, if you need your pupils dilated, your optometrist will decide the proper dilation alternative for you.

How Can an Eye Doctor in AK Help?

At Family Eye Clinic, our optometrists in Little Rock, North Little Rock, and Sherwood will determine if you need an optomap exam and can interpret the results right away. These exams are so important, and we recommend getting one done every time you can in for your annual or semi-annual eye exam.

If our optometrists determine there are signs of damage or disease, we will recommend the right course of action or refer you to a specialist that treats eye disorders and other health conditions. Don't wait to know the full status of your health. Get help today by contacting one of our clinics in Arkansas today at (501) 835-7800!